STAS Vision Statement
The St. Tikhon Archdiocesan Stewards program, assists in the growth of our missionary diocese, and helps those who labour in this vineyard, both clergy and laity. It will Insure a strong healthy witness of the Lords unfathomable love for this his Church, and for this his people. Through the involvement of the faithful of the Archdioceses of Canada, demonstrated in above-and-beyond contributions to the funding of the Archdioceses.
STAS Activities and Goals
The St. Tikhon Archdiocesan Stewards (STAS) is a method in which the faithful Orthodox Christians of the Archdioceses of Canada can contribute in a straightforward, intentional, and meaningful way, to the witness of Orthodoxy in Canada.
This type of giving is above-and-beyond our regular parish stewardship, and is not intended to replace or diminish current tithing to our home community, but is a call to more deeply invest in the mission of the Orthodox Church across Canada. It is a sacrificial investment in the mission in Canada, supporting the present and future health, stability and growth of the Church.
STAS funding provides financial support for the vision of our ruling Archbishop Irénée. We have committed 1/2 of STAS income to assist financially struggling clergy to live. Many of our clergy are devoting themselves to serving mission parishes who can’t yet afford to completely support them. As our Archbishop becomes aware of situations where his faithful clergy are struggling and need financial help, he is able to use this fund to do so. Our 5 Deans need to travel extensively to stay in touch with their large deaneries to keep our ruling bishop informed on the current needs and developments in the Canadian Archdiocese. STAS provides travel funds to our Deans to enable them to carry out this vital role. We provide a small amount of support for seminarians, for missionary outreach, and for other worthwhile Archdiocese needs that are brought to our attention.
We need to increase our funding in these areas. As more of our faithful parishioners across Canada join us in becoming STAS Stewards, and our income increases, we will be able to do what we are presently doing more completely. We need to start a fund to be able to support an auxiliary bishop to aid our much traveled Vladyka Irénée, as he regularly covers the 4500 Kilometers across the vast Archdiocese of Canada.
We need to put in place a retirement fund for our aging clergy, who have often served faithfully for decades and yet when they retire due to age or health concerns, due to their years of serving at very minimal compensation, they often have little or no savings or pension income to support them. STAS would like to help our parishes set up proper health and retirement plans to look after their faithful clergy.
Support of camps and youth programs, clergy travel expenses to Assemblies and clergy training opportunities, help with building purchases and renovations; all of these God-pleasing activities are in our future plans. But these can only happen as you, our faithful parishioners of the Orthodox Church here in Canada enable; through your generosity in supporting us through your monthly giving through STAS.
All decisions regarding STAS, its funds, and their allocation are made at the Archdiocesan Council level, and are accessible and transparent. Your ideas and input regarding STAS are valued and will be brought to the Archdiocesan council for consideration if you submit them to your local STAS representative.
STAS provides an opportunity for the faithful to live the words of the St. Tikhon in “devoting our self’s to the Orthodox faith not in or tongue only but in deed and truth”
For more on the History of STAS in the Archdicoese of Canada, or on the people who help adminsitere STAS please follow these links. History, People.
- Where does the money go?
- Are the budgets and proposals posted?
- How is the STAS committee composed?
- If I want to change the amount I contribute can I?
- Where do I find further information on STAS and the Archdiocese of Canada?
- Why should I contribute to STAS? Doesn’t our parish contribute enough?
- Does any of the STAS funds go to the United States?
- Who is accountable for these funds?
- Given the importance of seminarians and missions, why has the administrative assistant been given priority?
- Does STAS have a charitable status?
1. Where does the money go?
The STAS committee has made a primary commitment to the Archdiocesan council, to cover the salary of the Episcopal secretary. The STAS committee has also provided a ten-year plan with the goal of providing for deans, seminarians and missions.
2. Are the budgets and proposals posted?
This is an Archdiocesan issue that falls under the accounting practices of the Archdiocesan Council. Reports to the council from the STAS committee will be made available on their website as well as in Archdiocesan council reports.
3. How is the STAS committee composed?
The STAS committee administered by the Archdiocesan Executive Committee (ADEC), (Ruling Bishop, Chancellor, Secretary, and Archdiocesan Treasurer). In addition to the ADEC, a chairperson is appointed by the Archdiocesan.
4. If I want to change the amount I contribute can I?
Yes the amount contributed can be changed by contacting the Archdiocesan Treasurer, or a local STAS representative.
5. Where do I find further information on STAS and the Archdiocese of Canada?
Information on STAS, its committee, and related issues can be sourced from our website or from the Archdiocesan website. Information can be mailed upon request.
6. Why should I contribute to STAS? Doesn’t our parish contribute enough?
Our Archdiocese is growing. We are at a tipping point where contributions from the parish are falling short in fulfilling the greater administrative needs. STAS is a way individuals can give to fill that gap.
7. Does any of the STAS funds go to the United States?
8. Who is accountable for these funds?
The STAS committee is responsible for the raising of the funds, while the Archdiocesan council is responsible for their allocation.
9. Given the importance of seminarians and missions, why has the administrative assistant been given priority?
The diocese has traditionally had collections specifically for seminarians and missions where there is no such appeal for the administration although it has been a priority for the last fifteen years.
10. Does STAS have a charitable status?
Yes it does under as a unit of Archdiocese of Canada, as per CRA regulations. At the end of the fiscal year tax receipt would be issued from the Archdiocese to the donor.